Useful Links - Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club NEW

Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club
Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club
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Useful Links

Looking for a used lens or camera?
First, members can check out the for sale section in the member's area, but if there is nothing in there, is an easy to use site that brings items from multiple sellers into one place.  Filters are available to customise your search to include or exclude sellers from ebay or specific dealers as well as other options and also will show if a dealer you favour is included in the search.
Photoshop Cafe
Founded by Colin Smith who was born in Glasgow and moved to New Zealand when he was 5 years old, here is a vast wealth of Photoshop and Lightroom tips and tutorials - and more.  Colin has an easy and relaxed presenting style that is easy to follow and many of his videos have an accompanying fully detailed article too if you look at them on his web site.
Bob Brind-Surch is a wildlife photographer based in Northampton.  He runs workshops in the UK and abroad and his web site is a mine of information about wildlife photography, tips and reviews.  There is a useful review and comparison of several gimbals on a downloadable pdf file.
Steve Perry is an American wildlife photographer.  His web site is a treasure trove of information and includes his blog and YouTube channel.  He initially used Nikon kit and his knowledge of the Nikon system is second to none.   Now he also uses Sony and Canon cameras and his latest book is on the Sony a1.  His books and articles are detailed well written and his videos are well produced.
Mike Browne is a professional photographer who also has a teaching qualification.  He offers paid for courses and workshops as well as a palethera of free to view 'how to' videos.  In his videos he has a relaxed style and explains his thought process at every step.
Mike Browne
Ken Payne is a photographic judge and a Photoshop and Lightroom wizard.  A good friend to our club he has visited with both his judges hat on and given several Photoshop presentations.  Check out his web site for full details of his DVDs and some free to view videos too.
Ken Payne Digital
The Faststone Image Viewer is a very versatile application.  It has a similar appearance to Widows Explorer, but also has some editing capabilities - resizing, cropping and cloning to mention just a few.  It is also very customisable and has a great slide show built-in.  Best of all is that it is free!  You will see an invitation to donate, but you don't have to.  However if you do donate you get a key and then the pop-up will not appear.  N.B. This is for Windows PCs only.
Faststone Image viewer
SRB Photographic are a local photographic supplier who have been around for many years.  Many decades in fact.  Suppliers of accessories, filters, adaptors, tripods and more.
SRB Photographic
Mark Denny is a landscape photographer based in the USA.  He has a lot of tips and tricks on taking and editing pictures, both in Lightroom and Photoshop.   His videos can also be found on YouTube.

The East Anglian Federation (EAF) of Photographic Societies was founded in 1910 and has thus been in existence for over a 100 years. The EAF is a constituent founder Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB), which is the parent organisation for camera clubs and photographic societies throughout the UK. Having approximately 120 member clubs and societies with in excess of 4500 individual members, the EAF is now the largest federation in the PAGB covering the area of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk and that part of Hertfordshire which lies to the east of the M1 motorway.

Dunstablians Rugby Club offers much more than rugby.  The Member's bar is a nice place to go for a drink and your event can be hosted here.


All images are copyright of the authors.  the remaining site content is the copyright of Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club
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